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Real Riders Never Die Page 3

  “You want me to stop?” he asked as he leaned back to look at her face. She was too nervous to talk, so she just shook her head no instead. It took her a minute to get with it after he kissed her, but she eventually began kissing him back. He was so glad that she was tall like him, because he didn’t have to do the most just to kiss her. He thought he liked short girls, but Taryn was making that a distant thought. Her mind was going a mile a minute; she didn’t want to have sex with Demoto yet, but she was too scared to make him stop. Her body was yearning for his touch; every time he put his hand on her, she shivered.

  Just as she got into their kiss good, he picked her up and sat her on the counter top. In a swift motion, he grabbed her thighs he pulled her to the edge of the counter so she could feel how hard he had gotten. The moment he pressed himself against her shorts, he could feel the heat coming from her body. She released a quiet moan. Demoto had her body on fire; she couldn’t even think straight. After locking her legs around his waist, she started running her hands through his hair. She loved his blonde dreads; she had been thinking about touching them since she had first saw him at school.

  “Damn baby,” he said as he lightly bit her nipples through her shirt. He was in the middle of pulling her shorts down when his brother came out of his room. Taryn leaped from the counter and stood behind Demoto’s back.

  “Damn, my fault Moto,” he said, going back into his room. Taryn was so busy hiding behind Demoto she didn’t even get a chance to see what he looked like. His accent was just as thick as Demoto’s. Taryn was big, but Demoto was bigger so it was safe to say with her standing behind him, his brother hadn’t gotten a good look at her either. Demoto reached and pulled her from behind him.

  “Come on, let’s go in my room then with your scary ass,” he said, pulling her by her hand. By the time they had gotten in his room, it had given her enough time to get herself together. He apparently felt the same way, because he got right into bed.

  “Now T, don’t be grinding all up on me like you was doing the first time.”

  “I was not grinding on you.”

  “Yes you were! I woke up and my dick was hard as hell, so don’t do that shit no more,” he said as he slapped her butt before getting into bed. She didn’t know what it was, but when he hit her butt she got wet all over again. For her sake, she hoped he had enough self-control for the both of them. Scooting close to her in bed, Demoto made sure to put his dick right on her butt before wrapping his free arm back around her waist. He didn’t know when, but in the back of his mind he knew he had to get a piece of Taryn, and he would. Exchanging goodnight’s they fell asleep almost instantly.


  The next day at school, Kia and Taryn were on their way to lunch but had made a pit stop at the bathroom. Taryn didn’t see why Kia was making such a big deal out of the lunch they had. Yeah, the basketball team was in there, but that was none of her concern. Taryn didn’t pay boys her age any attention; they either liked her or they didn’t. Honestly, she really didn’t care who she had lunch with; she had too much other stuff on her mind. Today was a new day, but at the end of it she was still homeless. She had thanked Demoto a million times this morning for letting her stay with him last night, but she already knew that wasn’t permanent. Taryn watched Kia fix her hair and lip gloss in the mirror. She didn’t care either way; she already knew she was fly. Her clothes weren’t the most expensive, but the way she styled them you’d never know. Today she wore a pair of dark blue distressed high waist jeans and a thin white racer back top, with a couple of gold chains and her gold hoops. Because she was pushed for time this morning, she didn’t braid her hair down again; instead, she wore it big and all down with a part on the side. She loved her hair when it acted right; it reminded her a lot of the actress Lashontae Heckard’s. Demoto had joked with her the whole ride to school about her looking exotic, but that was after she caught him staring a few times.

  After they left the bathroom, Taryn took her eos out and coated her full lips with the chapstick. They walked into the lunchroom, and it was like a party. She had missed lunch yesterday fixing her schedule, so today she was a tad bit nervous. Now she saw why Kia wanted to check herself out in the restroom first. This cafeteria was packed as hell. They walked past the line and a few tables, and headed straight to the back. There were about six tables in the corner, where obviously the popular people sat. She noticed the boys from the basketball team taking up four of them, while a few groups of girls sat at the other two. Initially she felt nervous, but that went out the window the moment she saw the girls at the table with their faces screwed up. She had dealt with jealousy from girls her entire life, so she paid them no mind and followed Kia to sit down. Just as she pulled out a chair to sit down, she heard Courtney’s voice calling her Pocahontas. She turned around and waved.

  “What’s up girl, I ain’t know you had this lunch, I didn’t see you in here yesterday.”

  “I didn’t come yesterday I had some stuff to do,” she said.

  “Oh okay, you wearing the fuck out of those jeans too,” he said, drawing a few comments from the rest of the boys at the table.

  “Thank you,” she said dryly as she rolled her eyes and sat down.

  Their conversation was completely over; if it was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was a man talking about her body. Especially in public! That was the fastest way to piss her off. Reece had told her she needed to chill with the attitude because people couldn’t help it. Reece tried explaining to her too many times that her ass was big and people were going to notice; some would even say something about it, but it still made her mad. After picking up on her attitude, Kia tried to sympathize with Taryn, although she didn’t understand. If she had a body and a face like Taryn’s, she would be the biggest hoe in the country. Kia was pretty too; she was 5’7 and brown-skinned, with a short haircut and a nice body. She wasn’t built like Taryn, but she wasn’t lacking very much in the necessary areas.

  “I just hate when people do that; them little bitches over there already looking at me crazy,” she fumed.

  “Girl so! Fuck them hoes, they’re only hating because you look better than them.” This made Taryn laugh. She had just met Kia yesterday, but she knew after talking with her in class she would like her.

  “What up T!” hearing Demoto’s voice made the butterflies in her stomach take flight. She tried to suppress the smile that was creeping on her face before she turned around. When she looked up, she saw him standing next to Courtney. He had to have just gotten there because she hadn’t seen him when she first walked in. Right after she spoke, he got onto her about not eating. She claimed she wasn’t hungry, but that had to be a lie. She’d said the same thing last night and they hadn’t stopped for breakfast on their way to school this morning. With her being in her current situation, he knew she had to be stressing.

  “You better stop trying to be cute and go eat,” he smiled as he pushed some of his dreads over his shoulder.

  “Hell, she ain’t even got to try that hard,” another dude sitting at the table with Courtney said. Looking to see who it was, she noticed a dark-skinned boy with a low fade, big eyes, and damn was he fine! How she had missed him a second ago she didn’t know, but he could definitely get the business. Blushing, she said thank you and turned her head. Demoto had noticed her reaction to his friend Jeremiah’s statement, and for some reason it made him feel some type of way.

  “Come on T, let’s get you a salad or something,” Demoto said, grabbing her hand and pulling her from her chair. Standing to her feet, she fixed her belt before moving. Either her butt was too big, or that thin ass belt wasn’t for her. It had been getting on her nerves all day.

  “You killing the game Pocahontas,” Courtney said again in pure lust. The high waist jeans were hugging her hips just right, and because of the high back her ass looked enormous. Smiling and shaking her head, she linked her arm through Demoto’s and walked to the salad bar.

  “You got these niggas out here thi
rsty, T.”

  “That’s just Courtney’s mannish ass,” she frowned.

  “You must just don’t like Courtney, because you ain’t frown up like that when my boy Jeremiah said something.” Smiling, Taryn just looked at the ground. Demoto had caught her.

  “Nah, it just wasn’t anything wrong with what Jeremiah said. Courtney is just rude. I don’t like when people talk about my body like that.” This was news to Demoto, because most girls liked attention, and here it was somebody that deserved it didn’t want it.

  “Well I don’t mean to sound like a pervert or no shit like that, but Taryn you got to know niggas are going to look. Any man that don’t is either gay or blind, and Courtney ain’t either,” he said, making her laugh. Hearing her small giggle made him smile; the first time he heard it last night, he wanted to keep hearing it. Taryn had to explain to Demoto that it wasn’t that he said it, more so the way he said it. Had he said it quietly or just to her, she probably wouldn’t have gotten mad.

  “Well in that case, Taryn you look good as fuck today. I like your hair, I like your ass in them jeans, and I like your nipple rings,” he said, smiling down at her.

  “Oh my gosh Demoto, shut up,” she blushed in embarrassment. Hearing him say those words had her dark skin turning red. He could tell he had embarrassed her, but he could also tell she liked it.

  “What? You said I just couldn’t say it out loud.”

  “I know, but I ain’t know you was about to say all that, with your nasty ass,” she laughed, taking her food from the lunch lady.

  “Nah, I would be nasty if I told you I wanted to taste you last night but we fell asleep. Now that would be nasty.” Shocked by his comment, she just looked at him, then at the ground. He was really showing out right now. He smiled as they walked back to their table.

  “Well if we’re being honest, would I be nasty if I told you I would have let you?” she asked as they reached her table. Not expecting her comment, he just stood there silent for a second before telling her

  “Vous ne savez simplement pas.” (you just don’t know) He knew it would catch her off guard. She watched him with a longing look in her eyes; she had to hurry and close her mouth before someone saw her.

  “Oooh bitch, you better do that! Got Demoto fine ass walking you to get food and shit,” Kia said the moment Taryn sat down. They laughed and made jokes as they ate their food.

  Chapter 3

  After lunch, the rest of the day seemed to fly by and before Taryn knew it, it was time to go home. She hated this because she had nowhere to go. She decided she’d just walk to her foster parent’s house and call a cab from there, so no one from school would see her. She needed to go by her job, get her clothes, and check in at the women’s shelter before it got too late. In the front of the school, she saw Demoto, Courtney, Jeremiah, Alicia, and one other girl leaning against his black Audi. She tried calling Reece so she didn’t have to walk past all of them looking crazy, but she didn’t answer. Sucking it up, she kept her pace and continued walking. She threw her hand up and waved to the group and kept walking, but was stopped by Demoto calling her name. She hated he’d called her to him. He wanted to know where she was headed. She felt Alicia and her friend’s eyes on her, so she glanced their way for a second before turning her attention back to Demoto. She was glad she had already put her sunglasses; on because she almost couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling. She could tell Alicia was feeling a certain kind of way about her talking to Demoto but she didn’t care; hell, he had called her name. Once they figured out she was about to walk, Jeremiah offered to take her. She declined because she didn’t want anyone in her business. As bad as she wanted to take the ride, she didn’t trust him enough. As she finished saying everything she had to say, she turned to leave.

  “Aye T, you want me to take you?” Demoto asked. He had planned on taking her home anyway, but didn’t want to seem pressed in front of Alicia.

  “Nah you good Demoto; thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said as she continued to walk. She was halfway across the parking lot when she heard someone running behind her.

  “Yo T slow down, let me take you home, it’s too hot out here to be walking,” Demoto said.

  “Boy what is wrong with you? You better take your ass back over there before I have to slap Alicia.” He laughed because she looked just like she would slap Alicia. They went back and forth a few more times before he convinced her to let Jeremiah take her. She insisted on not starting trouble with Alicia and continuously denied his ride. After turning back around, they walked back to his friends.

  “Aye Miah, take T home before her chocolate ass melt out here in this heat,” he laughed. Cutting her eyes at him, she shot him a bird before following Jeremiah to his truck. He opened the door for her as she got in. His truck was so nice and clean, and smelled just like him–it was intoxicating. Once he was in, they pulled off and headed towards her foster home. The ride was smooth with a limited amount of small talk. Jeremiah was so cute and sweet that she had given him her number before she got out. Walking towards the front porch, she was so happy he hadn’t waited for her to get in the house. The moment he pulled off, she took off walking in the other direction. She had called a cab and was waiting for them up the street from her old house. Once she got her clothes from work, she went to the shelter and did everything she needed to do to check in. Once given a room, she did her homework and changed clothes. The building was brand new, with at least thirty rooms and sixty beds. She didn’t mind all of the people, because she had practically lived her whole life like that. After checking to see what time she had to be back, she grabbed her phone, sunglasses, and left. She didn’t want to just sit in the room, so she decided to walk around for a little while. Surprisingly, the shelter wasn’t far from her foster house, or Demoto’s apartment complex. She was just about to pass the park she was at last night when she heard Gyptian and Nicki Minaj singing Hold Yuh from somebody’s car. Her head turned and she locked eyes with Demoto. His black Audi was so clean she couldn’t help but stare. Slowing to a stop, he waved her over and told her to get in. Once she was in, he drove off.

  “You won’t be happy until I’m beating the shit out of Alicia, will you?” she asked, smiling at him as he laughed.

  “Man T, what you talking about girl? I told you she straight.”

  “Um huh, if you say so–even though I don’t know one woman that would be okay with her man driving another female around. I know I wouldn’t.”

  “I thought you didn’t do boyfriends though.”

  “I don’t, but let me put it this way, Demoto. If you was my boyfriend, which you wouldn’t be because I don’t do boyfriends, you wouldn’t have no other bitch up in your ride, especially one that looked better than me. I would fuck this Audi up,” she said, looking at him with a smirk on her face. He laughed at her for a minute before he could respond.

  “Man T, you look like you crazy as shit for real, and how you just gon’ call my girl ugly?”

  “I’m really not Demoto. I’m just talking to make you laugh. I didn’t say she was ugly, I just said I look better,” she said, turning back around to look out the window. Truth be told, she really was just talking. She was so sensitive sometimes it made her sick. If Demoto was her man and she saw another girl in his car, she would probably just cry or some weak shit like that. He could tell she had never been in love before; she probably hadn’t even been in any serious relationships. Taryn had this innocence about her that drew him. All the slick shit she was talking, he could tell was a front.

  “All girls can be a little crazy.”

  “Your fine ass would know! You probably got these girls going crazy,” she laughed. He dismissed her with a laugh, and turned the music back up. They had been riding for a few minutes, and she hadn’t even asked where they were going. Truth be told, she really didn’t care. She was off for the next two days, and it wasn’t like she had a home to go to. Feeling her phone vibrate, she looked down and noticed she had a text from a nu
mber she didn’t know.

  7063930768: This Jeremiah lock my number in beautiful

  Her: I sure will

  She was blushing so hard from being called beautiful that she didn’t notice Demoto staring at her until he started talking.

  “Who got you smiling that hard?” Leaving her thoughts, she laughed a little.

  “Jeremiah.” That caught Demoto off guard; he knew Jeremiah was checking for her, but what he didn’t know was that she was interested.

  “Word? My boy got you cheesing like that after one ride home?” Balling her fist up, she punched him in the shoulder. Demoto laughed at her a little while longer, because she probably thought her little punch had hurt. “I’m just playing T. Jeremiah my nigga, he cool peoples for real.” She nodded her head and put her phone down.

  “Good, because I’m thinking about making him my lil boo.” He didn’t know how to describe this feeling of possessiveness he was feeling. He hadn’t known Taryn long enough to want to protect her, but in his heart that’s all he wanted to do. He didn’t think he wanted her as his own; he had Alicia for that, but it was something about her. Chalking it up to him feeling a hint of pity for her, he switched gears and continued up the street.


  “What’s up my boy?” Jacko said as Jeremiah walked into the building. He and Jeremiah had been long time friends, and had recently started their party promoting business. Jeremiah walked around the counter and to the back, headed towards the storage room.

  “Check that brown box; the flyers for the Rich Homie Quan party just got done yesterday.” Joining Jeremiah in the storage room, the two proceeded to grab the flyers to pass out around school the next day. Jacko was the lead promoter in Columbus, and he had a few friends around the way in different areas of the city to help him distribute. Jacko was a hustler; if there was a way to make money, he had a hand in it. He lived by the motto If I want It I get it, so therefore there was never a time for slacking off. He did everything from promoting parties, stealing cars, selling stolen merchandise, to working at the clothing store in the mall. Jacko was the man to see, and he made sure of that.