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Real Riders Never Die Page 2

  “Pocahontas,” she heard a deep voice say. Looking up, she met eyes with the sexy dread head from earlier. She tried to hurry and wipe her eyes on her jeans before he could tell she was crying, but it was too late.

  “How did you know it was me?” she asked, trying to distract him from her crying.

  “I saw your braids. What you doing out here this late, you waiting for somebody?” he said before taking a seat next to her.

  “No, I just needed a quiet place to think.”

  “I feel you; your folks don’t care about you being out this late?” She looked away and shook her head no. He sensed something was wrong with her, so he waited a minute before saying anything else. He just sat there with her in silence, looking at the stars. He had noticed her earlier when he was at the court with Alicia but he didn’t want to be rude, so he walked Alicia home first then came back. The silence was interrupted when she started asking questions.

  “Where you from?” She had to ask, because his accent was sexy as hell.

  “I’m from Cameroon Africa.” The moment he said that, her mouth dropped open; she would have never in a million years guessed that. He laughed at her reaction; anytime he told people he was African, they would give the craziest responses. Surprisingly, she thought it was cool. He reciprocated the question.

  “Where are you from? Because you don’t look American at all.”

  “I actually am American, I was born here. My mother was Ethiopian and my father was black.”

  “Why you keep saying was like they ain’t no more?” After she disclosed they were dead, he wanted to kick himself. He didn’t mean to pour salt on an already open wound. The water in her eyes made him feel worse, so he apologized. She normally didn’t get choked up talking about her parents because they had been dead for so long, but after the day she’d had she couldn’t help it.

  “Well who do you live with?”

  “I live in a foster home.” she figured there wasn’t a reason to tell him the truth; for one, she didn’t know him and even if she did, he couldn’t do anything about it anyway. To change the subject, she started telling him about her birthday. Once she turned eighteen, she would no longer be a ward of the state, which made her happy. He listened so intently that she had to smile. He was so cute to her that she couldn’t help but stare.

  “Yo lil mama, why you looking at me like that?”

  “You’re just different from anybody I’ve ever seen before. I never saw an African that looks like you. Especially not one that sounds so country,” she said as they shared a laugh. The moment he opened his mouth you could tell he was from somewhere else, but he still sounded country like he was from the south.

  “That’s a good thing. At least now I know you’ll remember me, like I’ll remember you.”

  “Why will you remember me?” she asked with a confused look.

  “You act like you don’t look different. You look exotic as shit.”

  “No I don’t, I look like a regular ole black girl,” she laughed, taking her feet down off the bench and placing them on the ground.

  “I’m just a regular old African,” he laughed. Lawd he fine! she thought as she watched his face light up from laughing. Then it hit her, she still didn’t know his name, so she asked.

  “Demoto?” she asked, making sure she said it right.

  “Yeah, like Dee-Mo-toe,” he said, breaking it down in syllables for her, before telling her his last name.

  “Well Demoto Youngblood, I’m Taryn-Lee Alvarez,” she said, sticking her hand out so he could shake it. Her hand was so soft and she smelled so good; he had to get up and head home before she made him rethink committing to Alicia.

  “How long you plan on sitting out here?” That question brought her back to reality. He watched as her mood went down, which brought him back to her crying earlier. Because it was so late, he offered to walk her home. He wanted to believe it was because it was dark, and not because he wasn’t ready to leave her yet. She turned him down as soon as he asked her. She made up some lame excuse about his parents, so he had to burst her bubble. He lived here with his older brother; their parents were still in Cameroon.

  She hated herself for not going to the shelter earlier; now she had to find a way to get rid of him. There was an issue with her and going home, so he sat back down on the bench.

  “Come, on let’s talk about it.”

  “Talk about what?” she said, trying to avoid the obvious.

  “Why you don’t want to take your ass home.” Looking at him, he seemed like he could be trusted, so she decided to tell him a little bit.

  “Does he hurt you?” he asked after she was finished. He wanted to know did he ever molest her, but didn’t want to outright ask it. Her head shook subtly as she looked back at the ground. His chest loosened a little upon hearing they weren’t having sex, but for some reason he was angry about her situation. The way he was sitting and listening made her feel comfortable enough to talk, so she kept going. She was so busy venting she hadn’t noticed the sudden change in his mood; his nostrils had flared, and his green eyes had turned a dark auburn color.

  “Yo what the fuck? You want me to beat that nigga ass?” Hearing she’d been slapped by her stepfather blew him up. She was momentarily caught off guard by his anger, because he didn’t know her well enough to care. She dismissed the offer and made jokes about Terry’s size to ease some of the tension. She smiled at him and lay her head back on her knees. She had sat down a minute ago so they could finish talking. She thought he would let it go, but he hadn’t. He probed her for information about what would happen when she got home tonight. Truth be told, she was too embarrassed to be saying this out loud, and it felt even worse saying it to Demoto.

  ”Is that why you don’t want me to walk you home?” Instead of answering, she just nodded her head. Looking at this girl, you would never know, he thought as he scooted closer to her on the bench.

  “Do you want to go home tonight?” he asked her.

  “Not much of a choice, Demoto.”

  “You do got a fucking choice, you can come to my crib,” he said like she should have already known. After she continuously turned down his offer, he became more forceful.

  “Nah fuck that, you ain’t got no choice no more, you coming with me,” his voice filled with finality. In her mind, she knew this was crazy but where else did she have to go? It was either his house or the shelter. He stood and reached out his hand for her to take. Looking up at him for a long time, she finally took his hand and got up. They walked in silence the entire way to his house. When they got to the front of an apartment complex called Greystone Summit, they walked until they reached the fourth building and went up the stairs.

  “You sure your brother won’t mind?” she asked, grabbing his shirt before he unlocked the door.

  “Man Taryn chill, my brother cool, and if it make you feel better he probably sleep by now anyway.” Turning back around, he unlocked the door and stood to the side for her to walk in. Once inside, she waited for him to lead the way. The apartment was dark except for the small light over the stove. When they reached the back bedroom, they walked in and he closed the door behind them. She sat her backpack down and asked for directions to the restroom so she could take a shower.

  “It’s down the hall to the left; you want me to come with you?”

  “Nah I think I can find it.” She took a shower and put on her pajamas. After unbraiding her hair, she ran her hands through it and brushed her teeth before exiting.

  “Shit girl,” Demoto said, eyeing her body as she walked back into his room.

  “What?” she asked a bit nervous.

  “Jeune fille que vous avez assez d'enfer,” he rattled off in perfect French. If she’d had on panties at that moment, they would have been soaked. She thought his country accent was sexy, but when he started speaking in another language she almost lost it.

  “What did you just say to me?”

  “Girl you pretty as hell,” he filled her
in while still eyeing her lustfully. He had saw how rare of a beauty she was at school today, but looking at her up close with all her hair out was even better. She had so much fucking hair, but it was sexy as hell.

  “In what language were you speaking?” she asked, still trying to gain her composure.

  “It was French baby girl, I speak French.” Turning around to place her book bag on the floor, she had to fan herself.

  “Whew lord!” she mumbled. This was about to be a long night; this boy was past fine.

  Chapter 2

  Demoto stood behind her and watched her every move; she was so tall and pretty; he wasn’t lying when he said she looked exotic. On top of her being pretty, her body was banging; he didn’t know how he was about to lay in a bed with her and keep himself under control. Pulling his shirt from his body, he grabbed his old spice bear glove body wash and left the room. He needed a cold shower ASAP! In the shower, he wondered to himself was he doing the right thing letting her stay with him tonight. He knew this wasn’t a permanent solution, but he wouldn’t have been able to sleep thinking about her being in the house with her foster dad. She seemed cool and trustworthy, so he would see how tonight went and help her figure out something for tomorrow. If Alicia found out about this, there would definitely be trouble.

  With her phone on the charger, Taryn texted Reece to let her know her change of plans, and promised to call and explain everything tomorrow. Although Demoto looked like he could be trusted, she didn’t know him or his brother and somebody needed to know where she was. She had just put her phone down when he walked in his room in a towel. Now why he do that? To distract herself, Taryn got up and brushed her hair into a messy bun at the top of her head, and walked back to his bed. She wanted to tie her hair up but she didn’t want him to see her scarf, so she would just skip tonight.

  “Aye T, you gon’ be comfortable sleeping in the bed with me?” he asked, sliding on his basketball shorts.

  “Yeah I’m good, living in foster homes you get use to sharing beds,” she said as she kneeled on the side of the bed and said her prayers. Demoto stood on the opposite side watching her; he hadn’t prayed since he left Cameroon. As a child his parents always made them pray, but since he’d been older he didn’t bother. She looked so pretty, even with her hair all balled up. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a rubber band off the dresser. Demoto tied his dreads in a ponytail at the back of his neck and pulled the covers back. Once she finished, she stole a glance at him before getting into bed. He asked her was she hungry before cutting off the lights, but once again she declined. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that she hadn’t eaten since earlier that morning before school, but she didn’t want to bother him. After flipping the switch for the lights and cutting the fan on, he got into bed with her. For a long time, there was an awkward silence that filled the room, neither of them sleeping, but neither knew what to say.

  “I’m glad you decided to stay with me tonight.”

  “Me too, thanks for letting me,” she said quietly. Turning on her side, she scooted to the edge of the bed, careful to give him his space as she tried falling asleep. She wasn’t quite sure how long she had been sleeping when she heard him on his phone. She heard him say Alicia, so it was probably the girl from earlier.

  “Taryn, you sleep?”

  “I was, what’s up?”

  “Nothing, I just didn’t know whether I had woke you up or not.” It was evident he wanted to say something but didn’t know how, so she helped him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, I was just going to ask is it okay if I lay by you.” Against her better judgment, she said yes. She knew as sexually attracted to him as she was, he didn’t need to be near her, but oh well. He scooted to the middle of the bed and pulled her up against him, her back to his front and left his hand around her waist. She had never been this close to any other man in her life except Terry, and surprisingly it felt completely different. Being all up on her like this wasn’t the smartest decision, but he couldn’t help it. He kept smelling her peach body wash, and knowing she was in his bed he just had to. If he thought not touching her was torture, having her ass right in his lap was even worse. What was I thinking, he wondered to himself as he smelled her hair and neck. Out of nowhere, she asked was Alicia his girlfriend. He thought about lying, but there was no reason to so he said yes. Although they had nothing going on, for some reason he didn’t really want to talk about Alicia with Taryn; it felt wrong. Of course, he flipped her question back on her.

  “Nope, I don’t do boyfriends.”

  “What you mean you don’t do boyfriends? What kind of shit is that?”

  “I’ve just never really had one. I like boys and everything, but it’s hard for me to be with a person that doesn’t understand me, and most men usually don’t.”

  “You must be complicated.”

  “A little.” she smiled.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, scooting closer to her and tightening his grip around her waist. Before long, they were both sleep. Halfway through the night, Demoto woke up with a massive hard on and a need to piss; leaning up, he made sure Taryn was still asleep before sliding out of bed. She looked so peaceful that he didn’t want to accidentally wake her. Once out of bed, he stared at her for a few minutes before exiting his room. If she didn’t look like she had already been through enough, he would have made her wake up and handle his morning wood, but in the back of his mind he already knew she wasn’t that type. Just as he flushed the toilet and pulled his shorts up, he heard somebody behind him. As soon as he turned around, her saw her standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes. Not only was one side of her tank top rolled up, exposing her flat stomach, but her hair had fallen out of the bun and was in a big bushy ponytail.

  “Did I wake you up?”

  “Yeah, I’m a light sleeper. Why you peeing with the door open?” she asked, giving him a lazy smirk.

  “I left it open in case you wanted to come in.” She smiled, walking into the bathroom with him. She didn’t know whether the bathroom was just little or if both of them were just big, because it seemed as if the space in there got smaller that fast.

  “You must plan on watching me pee or something?” she asked, noticing he was still standing against the sink.

  “Yeah I did, but I see you don’t want me to,” he laughed and walked out of the bathroom. Once she was finished, she was headed back to his room until she saw him in the kitchen. He was sitting on the kitchen counter drinking a bottle of water when she entered. Looking her up and down, Demoto noticed for her to be as tall as she was she walked with ease. She walked so light you wouldn’t even know she was coming if you didn’t see her.

  “This is a nice place y’all got,” she said, leaning on the counter in front of him. Demoto was so lost in her body that he had totally disregarded what she was saying.

  “How long have you had your nipples pierced?” he asked. Forgetting that she didn’t have a bra on, she crossed her arms over her breasts before answering. She never really liked wearing bras to bed; they were uncomfortable, so she’d woke up a few hours ago while he was asleep and taken it off.

  “For about two months; me and my foster sister Reece got them done together.”

  “I don’t know what you trying to hide ‘em for now, I already seen ‘em,’” he smiled.

  “I’m not hiding them. I just forgot I didn’t have a bra on,” she said looking down. He could tell from how embarrassed she looked that she was definitely inexperienced when it came to men. Every time he would look at her, she would smile and look away or fidget a little. Demoto thought her innocence was kind of cute.

  “If it was up to me, you would never wear a bra,” he said, blatantly starting at her breasts through her thin shirt. She had to be at least a size C; they were big but not too big, and they definitely weren’t small.

  “Now why you got to be so nasty Demoto?”

  “I can’t help it girl, they right in my damn face,” he laugh
ed, hopping off the counter. After sitting his bottle of water down, he walked up to her and leaned his body against hers. He could tell he had caught her off guard, but he didn’t care. He untied the drawstrings on her shorts and slid his hands down the back of her shorts, palming her butt.

  “You so soft T, and you smell so good.” Nuzzling her neck, he sniffed a little more before kissing it. He hadn’t planned on doing this with her, but he couldn’t help it; his dick got hard the moment she walked into the kitchen.