The Best Part of Me 2 Read online
Page 10
“Lies. Jerrico can make anything taste good, and I’ll eat anything that he cooks, and I still be hungry afterward.”
“Being hungry and calling the food nasty is totally different.”
Marcellus picked up his cell phone. “Call it what you want, but I’m ordering me something.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Myself is going to suit just fine with this Chinese food.”
Forever paid him no mind and continued getting her food prepared. Of course, hers got done, and she was eating well before his arrived, so she purposely teased him. First, she sat directly in his lap to eat her food while his stomach growled against her back.
There were seated on the living room sofa, him lying back on the pillow cushions with her in his lap. The fresh vegetables and rice steamed from her plate while he looked on in agony. With a fork filled with food, Forever faced him and found him staring at her.
She put her fork to his sexy mouth. “Here, taste it.”
Marcellus opened his mouth and took the food from the fork. She watched him chew until he smiled at her.
“Get out my face.”
“Nah, I’m trying to see how much you like this nasty food first.”
He took the second forkful of food and ate it all before laughing at himself. Forever joined in, feeding him her entire plate until it was gone.
“Now, what am I going to eat?”
“Whatever you want. I’ll take you to get something if necessary. I think Jerrico is somewhere cooking. I can swing you by wherever he is and grab you something.”
Forever pondered on it before shaking her head. “I’m good. I just want to talk to you right now.” She moved around so that she was straddling him. “Let’s talk.”
“You. I want to know about you. Tell me.”
“You’re going to have to tell me what you want to know.”
Forever rubbed the hair on his stomach. “Tell me why you keep tossing that love word out so loosely. You’ve said it a few times tonight already. Why?”
“Because it’s true, I will love you.”
“But you don’t yet.”
He shook his head.
“That’s not what you said in the bathroom.”
He rubbed his hand up and down her leg. “I was fresh out of you. I was still delirious.”
Laughter erupted between the two of them. Forever falling over him while he softly massaged her legs and thighs.
“Aye, you hell.” He played in her hair.
“That’s you saying that crazy stuff.”
“That ain’t crazy, that’s the truth. I told you I love women.”
Forever got annoyed by his admission. “Don’t group me with them.”
Marcellus calmed his laughter. “With who? My other women?”
Forever got even more annoyed and tried to get off his lap, but he wouldn’t let her. “Nah, chill, I’m just playing with you. I say love stuff to you because you seem like the type of woman who requires that type of thing.”
Forever raised her eyebrow.
“Come on, man, don’t act like you don’t know what I mean. You know you’re the kind of woman who makes men love you, marry you, have kids with you and shit. Ain’t you?”
Forever loved his openness, but he was so far off base that it wasn’t even funny. She most definitely was not one of those women. She didn’t want kids, and she only halfway wanted to be married. That was still in question. If she could find somebody she liked, hang out for a little while, maybe have some food and sex, then she’d be okay.
“Say you ain’t.”
“I ain’t. I don’t want to get married, I definitely don’t want any kids, and anything more than a couple of nights together with the same person may end up being too much for me. I like my own space.”
She could tell by the look on his face that he was surprised by her wording.
“You for real?”
“Yes, sir. I don’t want all of that.”
“Not even a husband?”
Forever shook her head.
“Why? You must want that.”
Marcellus shrugged and looked away. Forever didn’t care for the way his mood changed or the discomfort in his posture, but she’d assumed he had secrets since she’d met him. He looked just like he harbored more hidden lies than a little bit.
“You’re always so mysterious. You probably already have a wife and family stashed away somewhere. I’m probably your side chick.”
“I don’t have side chicks.”
“What do you have then?”
He grabbed her and pulled her down so that she was lying on his chest. “I just have you.”
Forever snuggled closer to him as he held her. His embrace felt so good that she could fall asleep right there. Forget the fact that she was still hungry, and he probably was too. Their moment was calmly intense, and she wanted to leave it that way. Too bad, the delivery man felt otherwise. The loud ringing of his doorbell startled her and ruined her solace. Lucky for her, they had all night.
Chapter 8
Crown Me the Queen of Your Heart
Two months later…
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Slim Goody! Give it up for her!” the deejay yelled over his mic as Goody exited the stage.
It was burning up hot, and she’d just finished performing at the Summer Jam fest. Jerrico had been backstage watching her the entire time. The way she moved across the stage, commanding it, would never get old to him. She looked larger than life whenever she performed. His girlfriend was a real live celebrity, and he still hadn’t gotten used to it yet.
Sure, he was accustomed to dealing with the rich and famous because God had blessed him with the opportunity to do so, but having her, one of his own, was still so surreal. He’d been trying his best to remain humble while being with her at different award shows, performances, and the plethora of interviews, but each time, it got harder and harder.
Goody was a natural and did it with ease. She was the same, no matter where she was. The Goody she was at home with him and sleeping in his old college t-shirts was the same Goody who rubbed elbows with singers and rappers who had been around since she was just a child. Her humbleness brought about a sense of humility to him as well.
Although he’d always been humble, switching social brackets had a way of changing people, but not his Paradise. She was still the girl he’d fallen in love with. Just a much better version of herself. Her confidence had tripled, and she was now able to welcome the love they shared with no reservations.
“Babe!” she ran straight into his arms without stopping.
Jerrico had to catch his footing to ensure they didn’t fall when he caught her. Her sweat wet the side of his face when her forehead touched it.
“You were amazing out there.”
“Because I knew you were watching.” She pulled away and took the bottle of water from his hand.
Jerrico watched her drink from it, not moving until she’d drank it all. “How do you keep that much energy through your whole show?”
She smiled brightly. “My fans give me energy.”
“I still don’t get it.”
“It’s kind of like with you. Even if we’ve just finished having sex, and I do something that turns you on again, don’t you be up and ready for round two?”
Jerrico smiled and shook his head at her. “That was the best example you could come up with?”
“The best one that you would understand. You love sex like I love rapping.”
“I also love cooking like you love rapping, but you just skipped all over that, huh?”
Paradise held her head back and laughed hysterically while he stood by and watched. When she’d stood back upright, she looped one arm through his and began to walk. Jerrico looked around at all the people behind the fence, waiting for the next act to come out. It blew his mind how much they loved people who they barely even knew. He was grateful, though; because of them,
his girl could live her dreams.
“Slim Goody, you did your thing, girl!”
Goody looked away from Jerrico and found Tokyo Jetz standing there. She looked from Jerrico back to Tokyo with her mouth hanging open.
“Thank you! Oh my god! Thank you!” Goody rushed to her for a hug. “Girl,” Goody said dramatically. “Do you know how much I love you?”
Tokyo laughed at Goody. Another moment Jerrico was grateful for. Tokyo was Paradise’s biggest inspiration and one of the main rappers she talked about. He could feel her excitement just by watching her.
“I love you too. Thank you! You’ve got next, boo!” Tokyo told her with a smile just a pretty as Paradise’s.
“You just made my day. I have to send the baby something.”
“How about this? I’ll do you one better. I’m going to invite you to his baby shower.”
Paradise squealed in excitement, making Jerrico and Tokyo both laugh. Tokyo’s spirit was so beautiful and sincere that it made Jerrico love her even more. Just as fame had its perks, it had its disappointments too. A few times, he and Paradise had gone places and met people who didn’t know her and proceeded to show her as such. Luckily, she was a tough girl and didn’t allow it to hurt her too badly, but it pissed him off to no end.
“I won’t hold you, but do good out there, and don’t forget to send me an invite.”
Tokyo smiled. “I won’t.” She gave Jerrico a friendly smile and continued on her way.
Paradise watched her until she’d walked completely on stage. The screams and camera lights that erupted upon her arrival was inspiration for Jerrico, and he wasn’t even a performer. Not in that sense, anyway.
“She’s the fucking best!”
“So are you.” Jerrico kissed her lips and pulled her away.
Backstage was crowded with other performers, all getting ready in one way or another. There were so many people moving around in different areas that Jerrico instinctively pulled Goody closer to him to make sure no one bumped into her or knocked her down on accident.
A force all on his own, Jerrico was able to move people out of their way with no problem. When they finally reached outside, he moved away from Goody, giving her some space to move on her own. With the temperature being darn near one hundred, her body still hadn’t cooled down from her performance, and sweat was pouring from her face.
“Come on, I need to get you somewhere cool.”
Paradise continued to fan herself. “Who are you telling? I feel like I’m about to die.”
“I promise not to let you die. Get in.”
Once Paradise got settled in the passenger seat of his car, Jerrico joined her and headed for the highway. It was still quite early in the day, so they had time to do some things.
“You hungry?”
“A little, but I’m fine. You?”
“I can manage for a few hours. What you want to do?”
“I kind of feel like going swimming.”
“Let’s do it then.” Jerrico sped up the drive to his house.
He had the perfect place to take her. Since it didn’t take him too long to get to his house, he was able to get there, grab them some clothes, and make it to their destination all within thirty minutes. The confused look on Goody’s face was comical.
“What’s in there?”
Jerrico clicked his seatbelt then hers before getting out without answering her. Before grabbing her hand to help her from the car, he squatted near the door and unfastened the buckles to her heels. Once her feet were free, he slid on the flip flops that he’d grabbed her from his house.
She spent so much time there with him that a lot of her things had gravitated there and hadn’t left yet. Being that he’d been considering asking her to move in with him for a while, he had not one complaint.
“What’s this place, Jerrico? I said I wanted to go swimming, not camping.”
Jerrico helped her from the car and closed the door. Once they were both facing the old brown lodge looking building, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along. It had been ages since he’d been there himself, but right then was the perfect time. Marcellus had put him on after returning from an expensive date with one of his many women.
It may have looked raggedy on the outside, but it was the complete opposite on the inside. A hidden spa with private owners, it was never crowded and offered an array of services. From massages to swimming pools and mud baths. They had it all. On top of attending performances with her for weeks straight, he’d been working himself like a slave as well and hadn’t stopped to take a break yet. So, just as much as she needed to be relaxed, he did as well.
“It’s a spa, come on. You’re going to enjoy it.” Jerrico opened the door and pushed her to walk before him.
The pep that had been added to her step was probably a sincere reaction to hearing the word spa. Jerrico hadn’t had to push or pull her again since saying it. She was so eager that she’d even gone ahead of him to talk to the receptionist.
“Hello, can you provide me with a list of your services?” Paradise asked before Jerrico could stop her.
The Korean receptionist stood and motioned toward the big boards positioned behind Paradise. She went straight to it, searching for what she was going to have done.
“I think I want a massage and a body scrub. We can get in the hot tub after that. What about you?”
“I want what you want.”
Paradise smiled and kissed his lips. They stood together, making sure they’d picked all they could handle before informing the receptionist. Not even five minutes later, two short Korean ladies came from the back and ushered them through a glass door.
“Ooh, this is fancy. How you find out about this place? It’s so ducked off.”
“A friend.”
Paradise stopped and cut her eyes at him. “Don’t be bringing me to no place you’ve been with other women.”
Naturally, Jerrico’s face frowned at her accusation. “Don’t start. Marcellus told me about it. He came here with one of his women.”
“Sure, he did. Blame it all on Marcellus.”
“That’s the truth.”
“If you say so.” Paradise sped up, trying to catch up with the woman, but his hand on her elbow stopped her.
“Listen, cut that out. You’re not about to do this today. We’re having a good time, so leave it at that.”
Paradise turned her head, avoiding eye contact while tapping her foot. The way she was pouting right then would have been cute if she had a valid reason to do so.
“If you want to keep that up, we can go home. Now, are you good, or do we need to leave?”
“We can stay.” Her eyes rolled, but she’d pulled away from him already and was back following the lady.
She didn’t want to go home, and Jerrico knew that for sure, so he didn’t press the issue. He’d even let her slamming the door in his face slide since she clearly couldn’t control herself.
“Here, get undressed.”
Each one of the ladies grabbed them and pulled them in separate directions.
Jerrico hoped they wouldn’t remain separated for long. He wanted to do all the stuff, but he wanted to do it with her. Hopefully, the split up was only for them to change their clothes. He was laying his things in the locker when his phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, which wasn’t a surprise because his number was passed around quite a bit during social functions.
“Jerrico Blake.”
“Hey, Man Hoe, it’s Summer. You busy?”
Summer? He frowned. What could she possibly want with him? “Oh, hey, what’s going on, girl?”
“Nothing really, I uh, need a favor.”
“What’s up?”
“Can you cook something for me? I’ll be in town tomorrow for a signing party Jacorey’s having and wanted to see could you help me out. I mean, since we’re friends again.” She snickered, and he smiled.
“I guess, since we’re friends.”
“Yay! Thank you! I’ll text yo
u the details.”
“Later.” She hung up.
Jerrico stared at his phone for a few minutes. Summer calling him had thrown him off for a minute, but he shook back and continued doing what he was doing. When he was in nothing but his towel, he walked into the hallway to find Paradise. She too was in a towel and waiting near the door for him. When she raised her head and saw him, she smiled.
She nodded and took his hand. Together, they followed the lady to the room with the massive bathtubs in them. Without being told to do so, they got into the same tub.
“No, no, no. You over here.” The woman touched Jerrico’s hand.
He groaned but got out of the tub with Goody and into his own. The moment both workers began to bathe him and Goody, he understood the need for separate tubs. Not only was the space necessary, but being that they were actually being washed and cleaned, the sanitary reasoning was apparent as well.
Jerrico lifted his head from the side of the tub and opened his eyes. He’d been so relaxed that he’d almost fallen asleep. The lady’s small hands were so precise and felt so good on his skin that he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes open any longer than two minutes at a time if that.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“She touching your dick?”
Jerrico’s head fell back again as he laughed. It was light at first but became heartier at the end. Paradise would say anything. Literally, anything.
“Not at this very moment, but she has. Why?” He looked at her, and she was smiling.
“Because I don’t want her getting too comfortable with that.”
“Bae, you got to stop.”
Her soft giggles were music to his ears. “I can’t help it.”
“Yes, you can. You just choose not to.”
“Guilty.” She laughed again and laid her head back on the side of her tub.
Jerrico watched Goody as the lady bathed her. The way her eyes fluttered while she opened and closed her mouth made him want to ask her the same thing she’d asked him.
“Yes, babe?”