The Best Part of Me 2 Page 11
“You look like you’re enjoying that lady a little too much.”
She smiled with her eyes closed. “I think I am too. I’ll probably be gay after this.”
Jerrico laughed so hard that he ended up pulling his arm away from the lady who had been rubbing it. He tried to give it back to her, but he was still laughing.
“I might need to come back over there with you before she steals you from me.”
“She can’t, trust me. She’s rubbing on me, but all I can think about is you. I wish it was your hand and not hers.”
“I can make that happen. All you have to do is say the word.”
Paradise looked over at him with a lazy grin. “Don’t tell me that. You know I’m wild.”
Jerrico agreed with her one hundred percent on that, so he laid off the sex talk for a minute. When he’d finally finished his bath, he stepped out of the water and walked to Paradise. She seemed to be on the verge of sleep until he kneeled next to her and kissed her mouth.
Her eyes didn’t open, but she smiled while reaching up to grab his face. They kissed deeply, savoring the taste of each other. When their lip lock was broken, Paradise opened her eyes and looked at him.
“You still don’t want to get married?”
She looked away and mumbled a low, “I don’t know.”
“The article has come out. We’ve been extremely public for a while now, and nothing bad has happened. I think we’re in the clear.”
“You want to get married right now?”
“Not this very second, but this year would work for me.”
“That fast?”
Jerrico nodded. “That fast.”
It sounded like an impulsive decision to her, but he’d been thinking about it for the past few days. Absolutely nothing about it sounded absurd to him. He’d made a promise to himself and had no plans to break it. After finding love again, he wanted to keep it. Paradise made his days better. What man wouldn’t want that in a wife?
He perked up at her answer. It wasn’t the one he had been dreaming about, but it wasn’t the one he’d been dreading either. Majority of his thoughts ended with her totally rejecting him, but he could deal with maybe. That didn’t mean right then, but it didn’t mean never either.
He rubbed his hand down the front of her body. “I’ll take that.”
Paradise’s hand on his wrist encouraged his foreplay. Both of them pushed their limits and incoherently disregarding the two spa workers. Paradise was still holding his arm, but the tips of his fingers were doing their own thing against her skin. With them on the same page, Jerrico continued his pursuit and pushed his hand further into the water until it was between her thighs. Paradise’s legs widened, allowing him entry to her secret place, and Jerrico took full advantage.
“You two need time?” the spa worker who had been bathing Paradise asked.
Jerrico nodded, and she bowed once before she and the other lady took their exit and left. Instead of sliding down into the water with her like he’d initially planned, he pulled her from the tub and stood her in front of him.
“How would you feel making love to me right here?”
“I feel like I deserve to do it.” She smirked. “What’s the point of working hard, if you’re not going to be rewarded for it?”
“So, sex is a reward for you?” Jerrico grabbed both of her breasts and began to grope her.
Her hands were clasped onto both of his arms when she licked his bottom lip. “Sex with you is.”
Jerrico’s hands left her breasts to pull her closer to him. He picked her up and carried her over to the hot tub that he’d spotted earlier. It was positioned behind two large rock platforms and the perfect hideout for what he planned to do to her. In his arms, Paradise kissed up and down the side of his neck, waiting for him to find them a place that would allow them time to explore each other.
“I’ve been putting in overtime for this type of loving,” Jerrico said against her lips.
The warm water surrounded them when he lowered them into the hot tub. Paradise’s legs released his waist as she made herself comfortable on his lap. Her hands and tongue were all over him as lay back against the wall.
Her long, naked body slid all over him with need. She kissed from his neck up to his mouth and any other part of his body that she could reach. With her eyelids much lower than they’d been, he didn’t even see how she could still see him. The room was already somewhat darker than normal and dimly lit only in certain places.
“Can you see me?”
She nodded. “Even if I couldn’t, I can feel you, and that’s all I need.”
Jerrico’s dick jumped beneath her. She bit his bottom lip while raising from his lap. Her eyes never leaving him.
“Put it in.”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. He’d already wanted to do it anyway. With her permission, he grabbed his dick and led it home. Paradise arched her back, opening her legs that much more. Jerrico marveled at how pretty her body was. Such a sexy complexion with picture perfect assets just waiting to be devoured by him.
“I don’t know what’s wetter, you or this water.”
The tip of him had just dipped into her, and he was already feeling the heat. When she leaned back to him, and their chests were pressed together again, she licked his ear.
“Chest to chest, baby.”
Jerrico nodded while pulling her lower onto his lap so that he was completely in. As soon as he was, she bit his shoulder hard enough to break skin. Jerrico winced from the pain but held steady and allowed his baby to get it all. She had to feel him in her stomach as deep as he was in.
“Jerricooo,” she moaned as he lovingly stroked her.
“Say that shit, baby,” he coaxed her along.
“I want to have your babies.” She leaned back and pressed her forehead into his.
Their eyes locked, and they participated in a deep, dark stare down until he grabbed her mouth and kissed her passionately. So passionately, that she repeated herself.
“I want to, Jerrico. I really want to have your baby.”
Jerrico wasn’t sure if it was the lust taking her over or if she was really serious, but he was going to take it for what it was. With expertise, Jerrico pulled out of her and leaned her over the side of the hot tub so he could bang her from the back for a minute.
It was no pressure finding his place back inside, and she welcomed him back home with a deep moan. Her palms were pressed flat against the cement as he dug deeper and deeper. A kiss or two to her back made her shiver beneath him. With her long hair balled into his fist, Jerrico sped up and pounded until she began to beg for him to stop.
“I thought you wanted to have my baby,” he groaned out.
“I do.”
He sped back up. “Then I can’t stop.”
Paradise nodded and allowed him to dick her down deeper and harder than he ever had before. The mention of her wanting something that permanent from him evoked crazy feelings of his own. Jerrico was in a zone, fucking Paradise like they weren’t in a public establishment.
“You like it, don’t you?” He slapped one side of her butt, splashing water in the process.
“Yes, Jerrico, I do.” She looked over her shoulder.
“Who do you like I do?”
Her eyes squinted closed as she shook her head from side to side. Jerrico hit her butt again.
“Who?” He pushed hard and stood still. She groaned in pleasurable pain. “You let another nigga do you like I do?”
“No, babe, no,” she said breathlessly.
Jerrico could tell she was on edge and was damn near ready to tap out, so he eased up some and stroked a little softer than he had been. When her moans picked up and rolled out back to back, he knew she was on the home stretch. To aid her in getting there, he leaned forward and grabbed both of her breasts in his hands.
“Damn, your titties soft, Paradise.”
She grinned at him over her shoulder. “You lo
ve this shit, don’t you?”
The confidence in her sex made him feel weak. Now, it was Jerrico’s eyes that had lowered and were barely open enough to see what was going on around them.
“Jerrico, you love it, babe?”
Jerrico nodded with a slight frown on his face. “You know I love it. I’m in love with this shit.”
She licked her lips and blew him an air kiss before turning back around and dropping her head so she could get a better grip on the side of the pool.
“Paradise, we gon’ have a baby?”
She nodded just before her body stiffened, and she released a loud groan, followed by a few smaller ones. When she was no more than ragged breathing and whimpering pleas, Jerrico pushed slower and slower until he too was moaning and groaning from pleasure. Being in complete submission to Paradise and her body, Jerrico spilled his release into her.
“I love you, babe.” Paradise reached back and rubbed his stomach.
With his body still jerking from his climax, all he could do was nod and hold onto the side of the hot tub so he wouldn’t fall over on top of her. When he could no longer stand, he snatched out and sat down next to her. Without a second thought, she made her way over to him and got comfortable in his lap. They hugged up to each other, still trying to catch their breath.
“What did we just do?” Paradise asked.
“What felt right to us. Don’t overthink it.” Jerrico kissed her neck. “I love you too.”
Paradise nodded and snuggled as close to him as she could get. Much like he was after any other session of their lovemaking, Jerrico was in paradise. Complete and utter paradise.
Chapter 9
Me and My Bad Decisions
“Jerrico! Thank you so much for doing this for me.”
Jerrico looked up from the large grill of meat that he’d just finished searing and smiled at Summer. She was leaning on the door frame, smiling back at him just as hard. The small pinstriped dress she wore hugged every voluptuous curve she had, and it was making it very hard for Jerrico to do his job. He’d been doing the best he could not to look her way since he’d gotten there, but since she insisted on checking on him every couple of minutes, that had been a task.
“It was no problem. Glad I could help.”
“I feel so bad for invading on your plans. Tell Goody I’m sorry.”
Jerrico nodded while placing the steak, chicken, shrimp, and sausage neatly on the platter. “That’s not necessary. She’s cool.”
Summer walked further into the large kitchen. “You sure? I know how mad I get when Jacorey cancels our plans.”
“Our plans can be rescheduled. We were just about to hit the Trap Museum and maybe sit on the Young entrepreneurs forum going on downtown tonight. She just wanted to spend some time, nothing too major.”
“You probably should have brought her with you then if that was the case.”
Jerrico had thought about it but changed his mind just as fast. That wasn’t a good idea, no matter what angle he analyzed it from.
Jerrico picked the food up and moved it over so he could put the finishing touches on his side dishes.
“Paradise isn’t nice like you think.” Jerrico looked up and smiled. “Had I brought her here or even told her you were the friend that I was helping, I would be in the dog house, no questions asked.”
Summer was quiet then she snickered. “You know what? I feel her for that. I would do the exact same thing. I wish Jacorey would cancel on me for his ex and not tell me about it. Oh, I’m beating his ass, and that’s if I don’t kill him.”
Jerrico laughed. “I told her I liked crazy women.”
“I don’t know why. You’re too nice for that.”
He shrugged. “I like what I like.”
The room went quiet for a minute, with Summer bringing it back to life. “You plan to tell her it was me? I think you should.”
“No. She doesn’t need to know all that.”
“Yes, she does. How long have you been with her?”
“Not long.”
Summer took a seat on the stool near the counter and crossed her legs. Her dress rose up just enough for Jerrico to catch an eye full of her thickness. Goodness, did he miss having her. Paradise was his baby, but he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t like a woman with curves too. He loved all women, as long as they were black. Summer was that too. A beautiful chocolate sister with her head on straight. A real good catch.
“I think it’s detrimental that you tell her because you don’t want her thinking that you’re trying to lie and hide things from her. That’ll mess up the little bit of trust that she has in you. You don’t want that. Trust is hard as hell to get back from a woman.”
Jerrico exhaled. “Don’t I know it.”
“So, tell her.”
Leaning on the counter in front of the food, Jerrico looked everywhere but at Summer. When he finally did, she was staring right at him.
“Suppose I tell her, and she breaks up with me. Then what?”
“Then you suffer for a few days because you shouldn’t have ever done this. She’ll take you back after that, though.”
“You’re my girl, I’m just trying to help you out.”
Summer flipped her hair over her shoulder. “And I appreciate you for doing this, but not at the expense of your relationship. No other woman should come before her, Jerrico. You know that. Furthermore, I’m not your girl, she is.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know how you meant it. I’m just coming at you like she would. You better tell her, I’m telling you now. You don’t want it to come back to bite you.”
Jerrico went back to cooking. “I’m not worried about that. Who’s going to tell her?”
“You never know how things will come around. Just tell her.” Summer spun around the stool so that she was facing the counter with him. “You don’t want the same thing that happened with us to happen with her. She seems really guarded, but she also seems really into you. You don’t want her to put you outside of her safe line again. It’ll be over for any relationship you’re hoping for.”
“You sound like you’re talking from experience.”
Summer sighed and dropped her head for a minute before lifting it back up again. She scratched her head and just looked at him like he was crazy. Her gaze was so intent that he had to look away to gather his self-confidence again.
“Jerrico, don’t play with me. You know better than how you’re acting right now. You’re too smart to be this dumb.”
“What are you talking about, Summer?” he asked exasperatedly.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You shut me out and started acting uninterested the moment our relationship began to take a turn toward permanence. You’re cool as long as you don’t have to be fully committed. The moment that arises, you start fleeing. I’m telling you as your friend, and as a woman who’s had her heart broken by you, don’t do that shit to her.”
Jerrico stood dumbfounded. Completely unaware of what to say. He owed Summer an apology for his behavior during their breakup and had never found the right time to give it to her. So, since there was no time like the present, he pushed himself.
“Summer, I’m really sorry for hurting you.”
She waved him off. “You’re good. I’m over that. I appreciate the apology, though.”
“The way I did things was wrong. I’m not that guy.”
“I know you’re not, which is why I’m telling not to make yourself him. You’re better than what you’re doing right now.”
Jerrico wiped his hands on the towel. “You’re acting like I’m over here laid up with you having sex or something.”
Summer giggled. “As if that would really happen.”
Jerrico’s smirk appeared. “Don’t act like I ain’t used to have you climbing walls and shit.”
Bashful blushing had Summer dropping her head again. “Don’t start that mess, J
errico Blake.”
Jerrico grabbed Summer’s hand and pulled it from her face. She fought back with him and was able to keep it to herself. When she lifted her head, she was still smiling.
“I don’t have time to play with you tonight. Just call my new friend and invite her over here so she can see there’s no funny business going on.”
“I’ll tell her I was here, but I don’t think inviting her would be the best idea.”
“Why not? Me and my family are nice.”
Jerrico shook his head while still smiling. “I just don’t know about that. I keep telling you she’s not that social, and she’s still battling a lot of insecurities from her past relationship.”
Summer jumped up from her spot on the stool. “Oh, hell no, Jerrico. You are not about to talk about that girl to me.”
“It’s not like I’m talking bad about her.”
“Talking about your new girl with your ex is bad, period. I don’t care what the conversation is about.” Summer pushed his phone across the counter to him just as her little gay friend walked in. “Call her over here now.”
Jerrico looked at the boy, nodded his head, then went back to cooking.
“Summer, ain’t this what’s his name?” The boy pointed at Jerrico.
Summer laughed and nodded. “Yes, bitch, that’s Jerrico, with your messy ass.”
“Ain’t your husband in the other room? Hoe, you’re trying to die. I’m not getting Jacorey’s crazy ass off you tonight, I promise.”
“Alex, shut your ass up. I’m just talking to him. Jerrico is my people. Jacorey knows there’s nothing else between us. Ain’t that right, Man Hoe?”
Jerrico laughed and nodded.
“Man Hoe? He’s a man hoe?” Alex tried to speak discreetly. “As in, he goes the other way? Because if he is, I need to get my recovering ass away from him before I relapse. You know I ain’t all the way straight yet.”
“Bitchhhhhh, I hate you! No, hoe, with your crooked ass.”
“Crooked as hell. I’m working on it, though.”
Jerrico ignored his comments. He wasn’t gay, nor was he uncomfortable with his sexuality. There was no need to prove a point to the boy or Summer. He was good, so he kept right on cooking and minding his business.